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Posts posted by orlando74

  1. OK, I can use the updated Windows 11 Sound Recorder, which allows me to do a quick capture of my musical idea coming straight out of my VST instrument and I can quickly select the captured sound source without messing with the Windows sound settings.  So this for now would be my PC-only solution, and I would then drop the file inside Evernote desktop or web.

    But another A-HA moment, if I want to use the built-in audio note recording feature and don't care about audio quality too much, I can use my phone (or desktop) to do it and put it right next to my speakers.  My original query is at this point I guess a feature request so that on Evernote Desktop one can select the incoming sound source, just like the Windows sound recorder allows. This would allow a direct connection and cleanest audio.

    I guess I'll close this thread. Thanks everyone.

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  2. Thanks everyone for the replies.

    OK, so one way to do it is to temporarily switch the audio input in Windows sounds settings to the Focusrite Loopback feature that comes with my audio interface.  This allows EN to capture my playing directly as a note.  However, it also occurred to me that I could also leave the Windows sounds settings alone and just turn on my speakers and let the webcam mic capture that, since audio quality doesn't matter for a rough idea.

    NEW QUESTION:  Is there any way to capture audio using the web version of EN??? I'd prefer to use the web version than the desktop version.

  3. I'd like to create an audio note of a musical idea I am playing in my digital music workstation (which I hear thru my headphones along with the rest of my computer audio). THAT's what I would like to route to Evernote when it records audio - whatever is playing on my computer.

    But clicking Insert Audio Recording seems to capture the ambience in my room instead... I'm guessing maybe thru my webcam mic which is the default audio input setting on Windows?  Is there a Settings somewhere in Evernote that would allow me to select which of my audio inputs is used to capture the audio note? For example, I also have a pro studio mic, and maybe I would like THAT to be used instead of the cheap webcam source.

    Any way to select the source?

  4. Thanks Gazumped!  One more question before I closet this thread, while I've got you here...

    There is a red dot next to my All Notes but when I expand I don't see anything telling me what action needs to be taken... I'm guessing the red dot isn't usually there. Can you help?

    Also, I don't know if this is related but it seems that whenever I take a screenshot on my phone (though I think only when Evernote is also open), I get a notification that I have a photo ready to review or that it is looking for captured docs.  Not sure if this is related to the red dot but I would like to turn that feature off if possible.


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  5. Thank you!  I had failed to notice the little microphone icon next to the paperclip icon for attaching/creating additional clips. This is AMAZING.

    Yeah, Android captures them as .amr files - ugh... wish we could set this preference somewhere to mp3.  AMR files still play back on my Windows computer but why complicate things when there's already a popular compressed audio format out there. Can't Evernote simply implement the option to save as mp3?

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