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Posts posted by XiDW

  1. Addressed to Evernote designers/ architects/ programmers:


    In looking for a solution to the ongoing "list sort" problem I've found several threads on this topic/issue here. Some of the threads/members get surprisingly wound up. I'm not really interested in debating the issue, just want to clearly state that there is a clear desire for this functionality among users (assuming how many users is not something anyone posting here so far really has the info for), is implied in the presence of the checkbox functionality, and that it could be fairly simply accomplished.


    An alphabetical and/or numerical sort option within the "checkbox" style list option would make lists considerably more useful for me (and i suspect for many others).

    I've seen the question "how would an alphabetical sort help with organizing a grocery list?"... easily... by the user prefacing the item listed with a letter or number that allows organization into a group (e.g. user could preface the item on the list with a "1" or "F" to designate items that would be found in the freezer section, a "2" or "D" for dairy items, etc.).

    Making each individual item a file heading (which is sortable) really would not work in the circumstances.


    ...and to follow up, I'm not really looking for a response or rebuttal to this, I'm hoping that Evernotes designers/programmers are reading here occasionally and just want my "request" counted as another user interested in (and requesting) this functionality.


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