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Posts posted by manawaite

  1. Thanks for your reply Pink Elephant.

    I don't think the real issue is 18 months or 2 years since the changes, do you?

    I have searched on presentation mode on the web site and forums. The web site says its available, then lower down the page it says well not really unless you move to a legacy version. But I get messages to update frequently when I'm opening Evernote (and even upgrade even tho I'm a premium user!). I really feel I don't have the energy to resist this each time. And then, judging by the forums, people have mixed success with this work-around. I don't have the time to fight the app in this way.

    OK so maybe presentation mode has gone - bad idea I would say, but from what you say we just gotta accept it.

    So could you please send an info link for Mac and iPad please - the one you sent was exclusively for windows.

    Thanks for the image display suggestion Eric99 - I'll try it, but feel like its an extra level of work to make and manage the images... so I don't know how practical this is if there are a lot of images, but let's see.

    I have been mostly using Evernote presentation mode to display pdf's. Adobe Acrobat can display pdf's quite nicely on iPad - without any additional menu's etc as screen clutter.

    Seems a shame to decentralise storage and search away from Evernote... If Evernote had an "open with" option that would be very nice. Evernotes standard pdf display is just not at all useful here. With menus and margins it seems like about a third of the iPad screen is MIA.

    Seems you can't save ms word into a powerpoint format for display, only pdf, so again will have to remake all images from scratch whether in keynote or powerpoint.

    Any other suggestions welcome.






  2. Hi

    i ve been using presentation mode on Mac and iPad almost daily for years. As a musician for my song sheets in performance, for my own use in meditation sessions where minimal clutter counts, and as a presenter. 

    Evernote - why has it gone please? It was / could still be a very elegant way to present or view documents without excessive margins or other screen clutter. 

    can we have it back please?

    I know this has been on forums for a couple of years now. It seems Evernote are not interested. I am curious as to why not?

    I like Evernote - search is great -  it is very difficult to lose information, and sync speeds are generally very good. Unlike some other apps I’ve tried thinking to move away from Evernote in the last couple of years. 



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