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Posts posted by kd5byb

  1. Quote
    37 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    If it were that easy,  I think Evernote would have done it by now.  If you added your vote at the top of the page it may help Evernote  to decide where this feature lies in their long list of enhancements due,  but if you really need the feature now,  you may be using the wrong software... 


    Roger on the ease and the delay - perhaps it's not as easy as I or we think? 

    I will admit that I did create a bunch of new notes just now, adding the picture I wanted to be the thumbnail before anything else and using the "stickiness" of the first thumbnail to my advantage before adding other content which seems to work.

    I may be having a stupid moment (likely!), but I can't see where I need to vote?  I looked at both the top of this page as well as the first post in the thread and I'm not seeing any voting options?



  2. 1 hour ago, String42 said:

    A potential solution for the original poster:
    One thing I do when I want to organize by a set date is add the date to the title field.  That way when I organize by title it will organize by the original item date.  Year-month-day, to keep it in a set order. Today, September 6th, 2022 would be 2022-09-06, which I add to the beginning of the title for anything I want sorted to this day.

    That's exactly what I am doing now - :) - each title has the date, so a pay stub for a pay period ending 6 SEPT 2022 gets the title of "Pay Stub PPE 2022-09-06."  Like you said in your post, it's a pain to have to switch the sort method to "By Title" when opening the notebook...that's what's making me a little bit crazy...as all my other notebooks I'm perfectly cool with the default "Date Updated."  

    I'd love to be able to set and maintain sort orders on a per-notebook basis.  I like my main catch-all notebook to be "Date Updated - most recent first" but really want that pay stub notebook to always be sorted on Title.

    thanks much,



  3. Hi Mike P:  My secret is that I didn't test it very thoroughly!  It seemed like it worked ONCE, then wouldn't work again.  So it doesn't work for me either now that I've tried going back and forth several times.  :(

    I'm on the same exact version.  :(

    thanks much,


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    • Thanks 1
  4. Suggestion!

    For most of my notes in my various Evernote notebooks, I have them displayed in the "Date Updated" mode with most recent first.  This works great - newer stuff appears first.  However, I've got one notebook where I keep my pay statements.  Unfortunately, I forget to put them in Evernote when I first get them, so I can't sort them by "Date Updated" or "Date Created" as I might drop three in there at once to catch up, and they have all the same dates.  I need to sort by Title, as the title has the date of the pay statement.  Every time I go into this notebook, I have to change my sorting to sort by Title.  And then when I got back to my other notebooks, I've got to switch it back to sort by Date Updated.

    I'd love to set my "pay statements" notebook to always sort by title, and all my other notebooks to sort by Date Updated.



  5. Greetings all,

    For most of my notes in my various Evernote notebooks, I have them displayed in the "Date Updated" mode with most recent first.  This works great - newer stuff appears first.

    However, I've got one notebook where I keep my pay statements.  Unfortunately, I forget to put them in Evernote when I first get them, so I can't sort them by "Date Updated" or "Date Created" as I might drop three in there at once to catch up, and they have all the same dates.  I need to sort by Title, as the title has the date of the pay statement.  Every time I go into this notebook, I have to change my sorting.  And then when I got back to my other notebooks, I've got to switch it back.

    Is there a way to apply one default sort to one notebook and a different default sort to another?

    thanks much,


  6. 9 hours ago, JeffreyC said:

    FWIW, yes, the legacy version did delete the file.  

    I can't remember if there was an option to not delete.


    I recall there was a choice.  My legacy version was set up to not delete the files placed in the import folder.  Which worked great for me - I let the folder get big then eventually would move the contents over to a backup folder on another drive.  :)  That way, I had backups.




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  7. So far, it's now 5:20PM and the last note that's made it to my kindle fire Evernote was saved at 3:59PM.  The notes I saved at about 4:15PM have yet to show up.  And this may be because my Kindle Fire is slow and my internet connection stinks.

    I'm now downloading the latest Wireshark.  I want to say at one point I was able to identify the IP of the Evernote server and was able to watch network traffic between my PC and the Evernote servers that way some time ago...


  8. Well, to check on sync status I just fired up Evernote on my Kindle Fire.  I rarely use Evernote on it, so right now it's catching up from the last sync it did which seemed to have occurred in mid-April.  Once it catches up, I'll create a new note on the PC and see how long it takes to get to the Fire.

    I will note that the Fire is old and slow, and that I had to side-load Evernote to it so it may not be the worlds greatest test bed...

  9. 14 minutes ago, dbvirago said:

    On the Windows app, I see no indication that anything is happening. Record count hasn't moved. Logged out and back in. No change. 

    I used to check the activity log in the legacy version to see what was going on with my sync.  Appears that there is a log (Help, Activity Log) but I've not been able to make it save nor view it...just opens a plain, empty white box when I go to save the log.

  10. I've tested mine already - five times - I use it that much and missed it that much!  ;)  Works fine.  It does NOT delete the originals in the import folder, which I'm totally cool with.  Every now and then I dump the contents of my "Evernote Import" folder into another folder named "Evernote Import Backup" as a backup just in case...







    • Thanks 1
  11. Interestingly...I'm on Windows...Evernote's "check for updates" say's I've got the latest / greatest version...and still no import folder option in preferences...

    HOWEVER, looks like if I go to Evernote's download link, there is a later revision available.  I'm downloading 10.16.7...while I've got 10.15.6 currently installed.  Seems like the "check for updates" may be broken?

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