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Mr Pok

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Posts posted by Mr Pok

  1. Jackolicious,

    That changes the entire format of the text in the note. We'd love to see a feature that allows us to, say, create a particular text style, and apply it quickly with a shortcut.

    For example, consider this line of text, where the author wishes to make the word 'length' a monospaced font.


    Java arrays have a length attribute.


    The author would highlight 'length' and select, say, Andale Mono. When we have to do this repeatedly, it becomes cumbersome. It would be great to highlight the word, hit a shortcut, and move on.


    1. This is exactly what I see as a great would-be time saver in terms of my day-to-day usage of Evernote!  :)

      My Evernote is stuffed with notes on software development and a quick way to markup  snippets of code  (using the already existing font styles) is the only thing that is lacking in terms of usability.

    2. Perhaps if a shortcut to a custom font style is to much to ask for, maybe simply a "reapply font style" shortcut could be an interesting alternative?
    3. Or.. implement/allow for the Mac style copying of styles using:


      1. Position the cursor in text that carries the formatting you want to copy.
      2. Press Command-Option-C (like the normal text copy, but with Option).
      3. Highlight the text you want to apply the formatting to.
      4. Press Command-Option-V (like the normal text pasting, but with Option).


      ( courtesy of about.com's Heinz Tschabitscher )


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