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Posts posted by gngeal

  1. I think that this is kinda misguided. First, Linux != Unix. Second, programming for the Linux GUI is not the same as programming for the Mac GUI. There's usually a lot of code sunk into programming an application's user interface, maybe even more than is written to implement the under-the-hood functionality. Now if Evernote had used a cross-platform toolkit for their Mac development, Qt, you might be onto something. But if they went native, then that probably doesn't translate to not "a huge job". I don't actually know what they do on the Mac, but this is a deeper question than the premise assumes.


    Evernote Desktop for Windows uses the Chromium Embedded Framework. Basically, it's like Google Chrome, only with the "browser UI parts" cut out and with a different application reusing the same foundations (GUI toolkit, networking stack, etc.) So it is actually very much as if it were written in Qt. No need to rewrite anything - well, perhaps some fairly minor portions.

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