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Posts posted by MPL

  1. On 2/3/2023 at 3:40 PM, diegartenfrau said:

    I got the pdf button back after rebooting but still can't log out of the clipper to log into my other account. I can't just constantly re-install to use the clipper so this is a big detriment. The more they update the more everything get's unusable and that applies to almost every software, app etcetera. The way it's going I am soon going back to paper and pencil, that always worked ;) Making software ever fancier with the newest bells and whistles, isn't necessary making things more useful. I use the old legacy version for one of my accounts and that's working like a charm. I do not like the new version's layout and how it functions.

    Paper and pencil with a file cabinet plus green DOS on a black screen. 

  2. My solution -so -far: Outlook (Office365) W10 using older version of EN - If no option to "open in browser" is in email is to open, copy, and  paste and into new note.

    You can alwaysforward to EN.  I use notebook .Incoming so it is the top notebook.  I do not like that ability to do the pre-clippng selecetion of format and the ability to add remarksare missiing.

    Elimination of he webclipper in desktop EN was a downgrade in my book.









































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