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Posts posted by Shopgirl

  1. 22 minutes ago, Scott T. said:

    The plan would be to bring your tasks into the Calendar widget in Home. This would be independent of whether you have connected an external calendar. 

    Well, that would be a big help as well, since the Tasks do not currently show up in the Calendar widget! The Calendar widget is still painfully minimal as it shows only a daily view and a tiny monthly calendar which does not demonstrate whether there are any entries in individual days. The little blue dot, indicating the current day is one thing, but couldn't days (with calendar entries) also show some kind of a marker, red dot, green dot, something, anything? So that we don't have to click through individual days to see the schedule? It's like pulling teeth, sorry, couldn't it be more like bending spoons? 🙏😉

    Also, the vertical timeline view is not awesome at all - could you please make it horizontal? We already have a vertical list view. All this scrolling and clicking around...

    Otherwise, it's all about using a 3rd party calendar and that should not need to be the case. Thank you, Scott!

  2. On 11/24/2021 at 8:49 PM, Jack Lynch said:

    There have been a huge number of requests for a calendar view of tasks and/or an integration that allows tasks to be seen on a 3rd party calendar (Google Calendar, Outlook, iCal, etc.).

    We're starting to think through how we will build this feature.

    What are your use cases for for a calendar view of tasks? What are the must-solve problems this feature needs to address for you?

    We would absolutely love if Evernote Tasks would be automatically added to the Calendar! We are currently running the trial version for Evernote Teams and being able to see Tasks in the Calendar is a must for our team. It would be great if Evernote had ITS OWN INTERNAL Calendar, and we would not have to use a 3rd party cal. We are using Google Calendar at the moment, purely because from what I understand, Evernote does not link to iCal, unless some other plugin or app is in between. 

  3. Hi, thanks for the quick reply, although I do not understand why I adding Google Docs (which we do not use to begin with) would be beneficial here. We simply need to be able to have 2 people editing and collaborating on the same note at the same time without one locking the other out, without note conflicts or syncing issues. Seems like a pretty standard feature, other apps (like Dropbox) have it as well. 

  4. Could you please let me (and everyone else who has been wondering about this topic) WHEN the Real Time Collaboration feature will be released? Is there at least an approximate release date? Not having this feature is pretty much the only reason why we have trouble using Evernote. Also, will the Real Time Collaboration be available for all price schemes (incl. the FREE version)? Thanks in advance for your reply!

  5. Hi. Apologies if this was answered anywhere within this long thread, but... does anyone know WHEN Evernote will enable the Real Time Collaboration / Live Edit feature? Not being able to have 2 users edit a note at the same time (without syncing issues or conflicts) is a real problem for us, and pretty much the only reason why we've been looking for another app to collaborate on projects. Also, I read that Evernote is joining Bending Spoons -- anyone knows when this will be happening?

    Thanks in advance!

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