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Posts posted by doni

  1. Thanks both, appreciated. Turns out I was able to find the time to export all my notes to another service, so I guess the question is moot, in my case. Thanks for the memories, Evernote. And good luck.

    ETA: I’m leaving my content as is so I can check back in three weeks when my old Premium sub expires to see how search performs, just for kicks.

  2. If I cancel my plan and allow it to revert to Basic, will I lose the ability for full text search within PDF attachments of existing documents? Not new ones, but ones already indexed. I use Evernote just for automating PDF filing/OCR/search of a few notes a month and the new pricing is absolutely unacceptable. But migrating may take a long time, depending on what alt solution I decide on, so wondering if I can keep my existing notebooks as a sort of archive, and take my time migrating the backfill, while my current workflow cuts over to the new solution.


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