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Posts posted by 1aur1e

  1. Thanks, gazumped and DTLow, for your responses. So.... still not sure I have the whole picture of what leaving Evernote after several years of power organizing, tagging, linking etc. would entail, and I suppose I have a more general question. I'm considering starting to use Evernote to integrate things that I currently do in separate apps and I'm wondering how future proof apps like Evernote are/can be.... if anyone wants to weigh in on that. 

  2. I'm a longtime casual Evernote user and have been considering using it as my primary info organization app. My main concern, and the reason I haven't done so yet, is about what happens to the data (notes, attachments, links etc.) --and the organizing structure-- if you decide you want to stop using Evernote (or Evernote changes drastically or ceases to exist)? I know that it is possible to export notes as PDFs, but that's not viable for recreating all the data that one accumulates over years. Is there a way to export all the data that enables one to open them in one or multiple common apps? If not, is this a concern that longtime users have addressed and what is the thinking about it? Thanks for any input.

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