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Posts posted by marcopiv

  1. Default notebook which has more than 10000 notes don't show up on Android.
    I had the same problem a year ago. Contacted the support. They ask for logs and a lot of information but the problem was not solved.
    Since that I've been using an old version. But today when I reinstalled that old version could not log in.
    Already installed and reinstalled several times. In the desktop works fine.
    I also can't write a simple note. It hangs. 😟

  2. I have the same problem.
    In addition, I cannot save a new note. Can't save a scan of a document. Can't attach a file from another app. Evernote became useless.
    I asked for a support and they said to reinstall.
    The second time I reinstalled, almost all of my notebooks were gone. Only in the android app. The windows version was working poorly.
    As a workaround I downgraded. I can't wait for a solution. Users should not be used as guinea pigs. I don't want to be a beta tester.

    Version 8.12.2 for android is working perfectly.

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