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Posts posted by Chrisie_Rose34

  1. 4 minutes ago, gazumped said:

    Just as a side note - Dropbox has a 'history' feature.  If these files had volume at some stage,  you may be able to trace changes back to when it was more than zero...

    Brilliant, thank you - I've tried agsteele suggestion and it didn't work. I'll see if I can find some history files.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    The enex file you are working IS empty.  It is zero bytes.  So the task you face is to locate the original Important Notes.enex which is 31.6 Mb. That's the version you need to import.

    At some point you've been storing an empty enex file in Dropbox without realising what had happened. Where is the original of this enex file?  That's the one you want.

    Then I’m up the creek with no paddle. The file was stored in the Dropbox folder, directly from Evernote. If they really are empty, then I might as well delete them. What I don’t understand is how this happened. One file shows empty (on my Mac) and the file on my iPad shows 31 mgs. 

  3. I hadn't noticed this - I've checked and you're absolutely right. However, I know those files are not empty. I use to backup blog posts and they were overflowing with content and the Dropbox monitor says they are all zero bytes. The question is, how has this happened and how do we fix it. The files are most definitely not empty.

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