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Posts posted by LazarB

  1. I get the same "reached hourly API call limit" error, in my case to an Apple Shortcut.  This occurs after just a very small number of calls, perhaps 10 in the past hour.

    I just received the same error after about 3 hours of inactivity.  Might Shortcuts send out periodic "pings"?  Another Evernote bug?

  2. Yes, EN offers a fairly rich suite of meta-operators (e.g., intitle:, etc.) but this is of a different animal than Boolean-style searching.  Consider a simple search for

    receipt OR (invoice AND paid)

    I'm not sure how this could be done in EN without multiple steps and artificial tags.  I wouldn't dismiss this as an "advanced search."

  3. It cannot be questioned that today's information management systems have shifted from a FILING paradigm to a SEARCH paradigm.  Filing requires foreknowledge of what will be sought.  Thus, the suggestions to tag notes when they're created presupposes one knows what will be of relevance in the future.  I like Evernote and use it constantly, but it's hard to see it fulfilling its true promise without full Boolean capability (or friendlier equivalent).

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