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Posts posted by Winco

  1. Yes yes, sounds very spiffy but the reason we all spend money subscribing to these products/online services, is to be productive and save our valuable time leveraging off the efficiencies technology is supposed to provide us with. Apparently Windows users had/have all this functionality. Why not Mac users?

    I understand what you are suggesting to get to the outcome. I just don't agree with the formula. No biggy. A minor inconvenience. Thanks for the reply PinkElephant. 

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  2. I too was experiencing the exact same experience as jread. I reached out to Evernote support (twice) and did not receive a reply. Nice one guys. I tried PinkElephant's suggestion and it appears to work...so far. 

    The import folder for MacOS really needs resolving and refined by now i.e. reliability of import plus ability to choose which notebook to import into each time plus trash the file once imported. Hello Evernote dev team??

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