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Guido Dati

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Posts posted by Guido Dati

  1. Hello,

    this is my first time on any forum, but I have a question. Somehow I deleted the text from one of my notes (must have absent mindedly selected it the accidentally hit enter). Of course, it synched (i.e. eliminated!) everywhere! At any rate, I want that text. As I deleted text, not the note, it is not in the trash anywhere. I tried to search/follow other web searches, and "found" the evernote data back up from a day ago (no easy task!!). But even going back in time does not seem to recover the text from that note. Is synch retroactive? Is there no way to restore the state of that note to a prior time when the text was present?? If there is a way, can you give me a step by step broken down for a 3rd grader? Remember, the note still exists, it is just blank. Thank you for any help/insight you can provide. If I am SOL then give me the bad news, and I can start to try to rebuild, however, this really panics me as I have some critical information on some notes that could be catastrophic is I cannot go back in time. (should I go to manual synch?). Help.

    Dear mactease,

    I must thank you because with your post you have exactly formulated my same issue. I agree as well with you that is not a easy task to move through data back up.

    I think that handling certaing note formats has some troubles: I mean that when I try to modify a PDF note, sometimes it happens that the note doesn't change but it suddenly disappear. Better: not the note, but the text inside that. That is what happened to me and required me to restore the text note. Just to use your precise query words.

    Said this, I must point out that I'm a premium user and note history is an explained feature for my profile.... so I've been careless and EverNote clearly offered the way to solve the problem.

    Thanks for you post. I'm sorry for your problem.


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