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  1. @PinkElephant That's exactly what happened to me and that's exactly what I did. Working with multiple screens and multiple open notes I didn't realize I wrote where I shouldn't have, but I don't know when I made the mistake and at what point. I noticed this days later when I found some errors. Therefore, I exported 6 enex files, the current note, the starting version and the 4 intermediate changes. I then imported it in 6 new notes, so as to always keep the current note clean. From each new note I exported the related PDF and the related HTML. The HTML is unreadable and the PDFs show the changes, but also some changes never happened. I wrote this before. Copying into Word, in my case I don't know if it's possible due to the type of content and changes made. From what you write, the history is used to fully recover a note, but only if you know which one is the right one. I'm repeating this from the beginning. However, I understood what you told me and I thank you both for your help and suggestions.
  2. Sorry, but I don't want to argue with you. I have been using EN since 2016, if I wasn't satisfied I would have abandoned it long ago. But I find the History function completely useless. @PinkElephant If you explain to me what the usefulness of the History function is and when to use it, I will be grateful. There is always something to learn. @Mike P I made the screen smaller just to show what you see in Notepad++ with Word Wrap active. Can you explain to me how we can find something in this pile of words and HTML codes?
  3. I used two programs to compare documents (DiffPDF and WinMerge), but first I was forced to generate all the saved versions because I don't know where the mistake was made. And that's the problem. Knowing that you made some change that day is useless if you don't know what change you made. I keep track of various types of documents, from meeting notes, meeting minutes and even versions of configuration changes I've made to installed equipment. If I only need Evernote to keep track of my shopping list at the supermarket, then I can use some other tools and save money on the subscription.
  4. I imported the enex files and immediately after each import I changed the name of the note by inserting the date and time of the export. Then I generated the PDFs of each and each file is created with the name of the note. Then again I used DiffPDF to find the differences. Indeed there are some, but most are related to different positioning of the text in the 24 pages generated with the PDF. So, I generated the HTML files and these were also generated with the name of the file in relation to the name of the note. This is to say that it is not possible that I generated files from the same note. Then I used WinMerge to compare the HTMLs and the only differences are in the name of the notes. 😶😶😶 It is quicker to open two notes at a time and compare the different rows visually. Honestly I am very, very disappointed. It is not possible that an option for comparing notes is missing; without such an option the history is useless. In the future I will write in Word. Thanks anyway
  5. I installed the Windows version. Thanks, I didn't know you could import enex files by dragging them into the list. The fact remains that now I have 5 almost identical notes, but without the possibility of comparing them. I use Notepad++ and the emex files are opened as XML, but the content of the note is on a single line.
  6. @gazumped I work in the Web version with Win11Pro + Chrome. I can't find a menu item to export to HTML, while with "Print..." I can't save to PDF, the option is disabled. @Mike P I exported them from History and have 4 enex files, but as I said in the initial post, they are unreadable. In an editor I find an XML of 8 lines and the fourth begins with: <en-export><note><title>TITLE-MyNOTE</title><content> and the rest of the line is the HTML code of a note dozens of lines long. I've been using Evernote for years and this is the first time I've needed to compare notes. Having a history and not being able to know what was changed in that version I find useless (and very stupid).
  7. I have made several changes to a note and now I would like to see the change history to find the incorrect change. I can see the list of changes and I exported 4 versions of the same note. Now I wanted to compare them with each other. I usually use the "WinMerge" tool, but the entire note is on one only line and this makes it unreadable. Since this is a long list of commands I need to see the note in full. How can I do?
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