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C Smith

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Posts posted by C Smith

  1. The new home screen In IOS is useless. I understand that not all users have the same needs, but my goodness. I now have to use the hamburger icon to get to my "Widgets" app to be able to use what I consider to be the home screen. Everything takes longer to do now and I find myself frustrated everytime i try to use evernote on IOS. And what do they think "Shortcuts" are for if you have to go menu diving to get to the shortcuts? This is crazy. 

    I loved the previous home screen that was customizable. I had scratchpad, shortcuts, recent notes, and "new note" all immediately available. Now our homescreen has a bunch of unsorted, uncategorized notes in a list (not helpful), and then the bottom of the screen has buttons for a "home screen" that isn't really a home screen, a button for notes and notebooks (makes sense), and then buttons for tasks and calendars that I don't use.

    Please go back or forward, but don't stay here. Let us customize our home screens like in the previous iteration. I'm really struggling. I was convinced i had a bug because certainly nobody could have designed this home screen on purpose. I submitted a service ticket because it had to be a glitch. Turns out it's intentional. 

    Am I missing something? Tell me hope is on the way.


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