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Posts posted by Anjali2024

  1. AndrieMa - just following your example, I just set up this account so I can hopefully access my actual account of 7+years old!! I was also locked out a few days ago - because of an upgrade (though I never got the email that said changes were coming). I don't have access to any a 2FA - the last time I got any authentication code from Evernote was on my PHONE - and that seems (the SMS authentication) to have been ended as a practice.

    I've followed the steps outlined in Evernote's support article on two-step verification issues, but after two days of submitting a support ticket with all the necessary details, I haven't received any response from the support team.

    I have my password (miraculously remembered from 2017!) but no 2FA system set up. Now, using this account, THIS IS MY TICKET NUMBER: 


    ANY help is so appreciated. I have on my Evernote such memories - notes from when my kid was a baby, recipes from family with my tweaks etc etc. Its heart wrenching!



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