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Posts posted by Jayce77

  1. In Word and Google Docs (and I presume in every other text editor) I can use ALT + SHIFT + Arrow keys to move selected text up and down and bullet points left and right (in addition to up and down). I can take a whole paragraph or two, or three, and move it up one slot or down one slot. I can move a group of bullet points up, down, left and right no problem. Makes it super easy to organize content.

    However, this is NOT a feature in Evernote, and I haven't found a way to do this, which quite frankly has made me stop using it for writing and planning my content. I default to GDocs because I deal with a lot of bullet points and free flow writing and I need to organize a lot of content daily. Having to CTRL + X and CTRL + V in Evernote breaks the workflow a lot.

    Is this coming as a feature or is there a way to make the same action happen?

    Otherwise have loved and used Evernote for quite a few years now. All the best,



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