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  1. This used to work recently. Already been in contact with Evernote, and they closed the ticket, yet the issue still remains. The browser based security needs to be worked out in the Desktop version of the app, which is where the problem lies. Thanks for your "help" gazumped, but you're not really understanding the problem, and just causing a strange distraction for users that actually rely on this.
  2. Sounds like the bug is pretty wide spread and persistent. Can someone from Evernote chime in on this one, or is this forum no longer monitored by the company it supports?
  3. Seems like more people are having this issue than I initially thought. Hopefully Evernote uses these discussions from time to time for developer prioritization.
  4. "Got your feedback. Can't give timeline. Working on it." - Then closed the ticket as resolved.
  5. I've opened a few tickets on this topic. They have all gotten the same stiff armed pushback, and show me that they have no interest in working on or solving this bug.
  6. Yes, yes, this is the exact problem I'm having. It was working fine for years, and now appears to be blocked. If you check the "Always open" box and click Open, it will just close the popup, and never show the modal again, while also not working.
  7. Hello, I use OmniFocus as my external task management software (tried EN Tasks and they don't work for me) and Evernote as my note taking app. For years I would copy the OmniFocus task into Evernote, and it would appear as a text link. If I clicked on that link, it would take me directly to the link in Omnifocus. Worked like a charm. Now, it looks like it will work, gives a popup box and everything, and is blocked. Is anyone else experiencing this? I submitted a ticket but got the usual "we're prioritizing as best as we can" redirection and the ticket closed. It's unfortunate, because I really like using Evernote, but the lack of this functionality, which worked as described for years, makes me consider other free tools like Notion. Let me know if you've seen this on your own and solved it.
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