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Posts posted by orangemonkey

  1. "I'm going to pile on here" ... but I don't do trolling ... ummmm sure

    For the record I never said either of you were paid employees, so really don't get why you got so defensive. But there are a number of highly involved accounts that have made voluminous comments that include detailed comments that only a paid employee (or a stalker) would retain.

    I'm happy to take you at your word (though really we have no way of knowing) that you are just big fans of the product. In which case you may wish to reconsider the "pile on" approach as it contributes to turning people off the product you profess to love. For every one person that comments another 10+ will read and empathise with the person you're piling on to.

    Why my "loud accusatory announcement"? Because I did care about Evernote and had invested time and money into using the product and embedding it into my workflow. So I hope that someone at Evernote is paying attention as to why paid customers are leaving. But if they don't themselves care then hopefully it will end up in someone's large language model and assist Evernote's future competition on designing a commercial strategy that doesn't exploit the stickiness of its customers in such an extreme way. And I have no qualms 'accusing' Evernote in such a manner, because their approach has been utterly shameless, and lo and behold came straight on the heels of being acquired by new owners.

    And by the way, these are owners that have the gumption to claim in their 'manifesto' that they have a "Long-term orientation: Seeking to optimize with a long-term view, even at the expense of short-term victories" ... well they're actions say otherwise.



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  2. I have never believed in free lunches and prefer user pays over advertising-funded content any day.

    So I happily paid for Evernote for years, what caused me to turn off was the exorbitant price increase last year and in particular the way it was executed. If you decided to cancel your subscription instead of accepting the increase, you were offered a discount. I could have accepted that discount but that felt like rewarding behaviour that punishes its users who aren’t inclined to play the game or are too time poor (hint if we wanted to play games we’d by a PlayStation not a note taking software). Unfortunately these sorts of tactics are being deployed by platforms and software vendors all over, and users are rightly getting sick of it.

    Blogger Cory Doctorow calls this trend enshittification, where platforms rely on the high switching costs to extract more and more value from their users by breaking their initial promises bit-by-bit.

    I had stuck around on a free account to see if Evernote’s decline turned around and if it did I would start paying again. The new 50 limit on notes in the free version shows they’re doubling down which means the free version is only going to get worse and then the paying customers will get screwed harder.

    But i would never have predicted the final nail in the coffin. It’s the trolling of dissatisfied users on here by paid staff!! For me this is truly a new low. I honestly feel for the staff that have to do that as part of their job, so no hard feelings to them personally. But paying more for a product so they can pay people to abuse their difficult users on their community pages, that’s a software feature I can do without.

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