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  1. AKARJLUK's post in Phantom Note appearing in "inbox" Mac was marked as the answer   
    Resolved following this:
    "1. Quit Evernote
    2. Open Finder.
    3. From the menu bar, select Go > Go To Folder....
    4. Paste ~/Library/Application Support/ into the text field and click Go. If you don't find this directory, try:
    ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/.
    5. Delete the "Evernote" folder.
    6. Open Evernote and sign in.
    If you receive a macOS prompt stating that Evernote needs access to your Keychain Access app, enter your Mac's
    administrator password (the same one you use to log in to your computer) and click Always Allow. Evernote
    requires access to Keychain Access on your Mac to write your Evernote credentials into it. Evernote can only
    access its own Keychain Access items, and cannot access any other credentials stored in the app."
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