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Posts posted by NeedToKnow

  1. On 12/27/2023 at 5:15 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Without believing this may be the problem: Have you checked system limits yet ?


    Yeah, I wondered if that might be the case, but my org is a Teams-level subscriber. We've got a lot of notes and notebooks flying around, but we're nowhere near our listed limit. Oh, and as an update, the issue has now spread to 10 other users, none of whom can successfully share with me or their colleagues without the error occurring.

    Meanwhile, from the administrator level, I am able to share through essentially brute force by sharing Notebook A with User B and so on. I've had to do this now for all thirteen users as we've been unable to figure out what the problem is with sharing. Baffling and frustrating to say the least. I feel a long wait in the Evernote Support queue coming on.

  2. On 12/27/2023 at 6:53 PM, gazumped said:

    All I can suggest is that you contact Support if you haven't done so already - check here to get a ticket number (hopefully) - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ and post the number on this thread.  We can flag it for a Forum Admin,  but in this Holiday period with Support already over-busy I don't know whether that's going to help much!

    Thanks for your efforts though. I truly appreciate it. I'll head over to Support and see what the Fates have in store for me. Cheers!

  3. On 12/21/2023 at 6:22 AM, gazumped said:

    Is this your business account?  Because everyone has a 'personal' area plus the shared Business area where the Administrator governs who has access to what.  You might want to look into this further starting here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005287


    Yes, this is my business account. I am the administrator for all client accounts under this account. Sharing is enabled for some 60 different team members and of those 60, only the three I mentioned are experiencing problems with sharing their newly created notebooks with me. These three are all running into the same ""Failed to Share notebook" error pop-up. 

    One of the first things I checked was to see that they weren't trying to share a notebook that's located in their private My Notebooks area. They weren't. The newly created notebooks are exactly where they need to be in order to be shared, along with multiple other notebooks they have successfully created and shared without issue over the years. 

    When I log into their accounts as admin,  the Notebooks in question show that they have been shared (despite the error pop-up), and the invitation is still pending my acceptance as the recipient. Despite this, these three notebooks are not appearing in my Shared With Me space. 

    I have un-shared, then re-shared the notebooks to no avail. The error message appears again and no shared Notebooks show up on my end. I've wondered if this might not be some sort of bug having to do with how notebooks used to be shared via Evernote's now disabled chat feature. But all vestiges of chat are gone with the latest version of Evernote, so I couldn't check there if I wanted to.

    I've been administering this Evernote account for some 8 years, and I've never run into this sort of error before. I'm baffled.

  4. This is an old thread, but I'm running into the same issue right now in Dec. 2023, and the above solutions proposed by user gazumped isn't going to resolve it. Three different clients using the same Evernote Business account have tried to share Notebooks with me and are getting a small red box popup at the top, center of the screen with the text, "Failed to Share Notebook."

    When I go into their account as an admin and check the  Notebook's share settings, it indicates that I am counted as someone "Who has access," with a "Pending" status, but the Notebook never makes it to me in my "Shared With Me" area for me to accept the invitation. So clearly something has broken down along the way. So far, I've tried rescinding permissions to myself, and shared the Notebook to myself again, but I still get the same error message and no access to the Notebook in all three client's cases.

    Another thing that I tried, and worked only once for reasons I cannot fathom is that I shared an individual note from inside the notebook in questions, and that note was successful shared with me. When I located the note among my Evernote notes, it automatically subscribed me to the Notebook that I was previously not able to subscribe to. Weird, right? But it only worked once and never again.

    Again, this issue has now occurred three times now in the space of three days with three different users, and I cannot figure out a workaround. Conversely, other clients in the same ecosystem are having no problems whatsoever sharing they notebooks with me. My organization needs to be able to share notebooks between clients. Turning notes into PDFs to be shared via an extra-Evernote method or archiving Notebooks, then restoring them elsewhere are not workarounds that are going to work here, especially considering my organization is paying for this business account specifically because of this sharing functionality.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? More importantly, does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?

    Everyone in my organization is using iPads updated to at least 16.7.2

    Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 8.41.54.png

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