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Posts posted by kyx11

  1. Hi Bob! I posted a fatal error post, right before you. :) I also submitted a ticket and never heard back. The problem I am experiencing where it immediately crashes upon loading, makes Evernote literally useless for me.

    I wanted to share, when I canceled my subscription  (NOT closing my account, but canceling the renewal of my sub) there appeared an option to book a call with a support member. I have no idea if they offer this to everyone, or just to long time subscribers (I'm since 2012) but it's worth a shot!

    I just completed the support call this morning with Alessandro and he was lovely and said he would try and have a tech person actually get back to me. I wish you luck!!

  2. And the support is basically non-existent. I'm a paying subscriber since 2012 and I'm having a fatal error getting the Mac desktop version to even OPEN so I can download my notes to archive... I can't even post a comment here without a moderator approving it!

    No one has replied to my customer service request, and there is no one else to ask. 

    Not sure what is happening but definitely the application is going down the drain.

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  3. I was editing a note yesterday when all of a sudden Evernote crashed, and now every time upon reopening it, I get this (see screenshot).

    There is no way to even export the notes, or click on anything. Endless loop of restarting. Updated to most recent MacOS and reinstalled newest Evernote, no improvement.

    There's apparently no longer any customer support on Evernote... can anyone help?

    Alternatively, is there a way to easily export ALL notes from the Web version of Evernote?

    Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 10.53.52 AM.png

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