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Annika K

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  1. New forums user, but I've been using Evernote itself for 'roundabout 7 years now. I picked it up in early highschool and loved it enough, despite its problems (notably a lack of darkmode for so long, and I'm light sensitive!), that I've stuck with it for this long - but 50 notes and 1 notebook is just ridiculous without making another, lower priced tier solely to remove this limit. I never payed for Evernote because I've never needed any of the stuff personal offered. Why would I pay 130$ for unlimited devices when I only ever use my computer and phone? Why would I pay 130$ for 10GB of download when I never hit the 60MB free monthly limit in my 7 years of using the app? Why would I pay 130$ to customize my home dashboard when I'm completely comfortable with the basic one? Why would I pay 130$ to email support I've seen other users say is unresponsive anyway? In fact, I think the only thing in all of the personal plan I have any desire for is the higher note size, but its pretty unusual for me to hit the free limit on a note anyway so that was never enough of a pain-point to justify the expense. In short, I don't need 130$ worth of features. I just need the plain and simple notetaking and organizing app that it's always been. Not offering a more reasonable Evernote Basic (or something) tier to allow that without making me pay for a bunch of features I don't need / will never use just feels greedy when those basic features used to be free. When Evernote begins offering a lesser plan that removes these new restrictions for like, 5$ a month max (the price I could pay to remove ads from other comparable notetaking apps that don't limit my creativity), then I'll pay for this. But I simply can't justify the price of personal compared to other apps I could use. Furthermore, I may have been persuaded to pay for the personal plan if they had added more to it instead of taken away from the free plan. In an email survey I received not long ago there was a question about what functionality I feel is missing, and my #1 was the inability to put a stack inside of a stack. For example, when worldbuilding, it'd be extremely helpful to have a stack titled [Name of World/Story] and then a stack within that that specifies like [Name of a Deity] and then notebooks within that Deity stack to sort out their [Places of Power] and [Notable Followings] and [Ceremonies/Celebrations] - then the notes within a notebook within a stack within a stack would be extremely well sorted and easy to find. Another thing they could have added to Personal to make it worth it to me despite the higher price point is the ability to sort notes in a way that doesn't revolve around recency or title. I do a lot of work in chapters, and currently the only way to keep all of my chapters in numerical order is to painstakingly go through each chapter one by one and add or remove a space at the beginning or end of the chapter to make it update. While sorting by title may solve this for some, as they can put a number in the title to denote chapter, it becomes a hassle for me on phone. I often can't see the actual full title of the chapter when doing this, which is how I tend to recognize my chapters, rather than by number. And while some may argue that sorting by date created could also solve this issue, the problem there is that often I (and many others I know) write scenes out of order - and even more often than that I realize I've forgotten a scene I need to add, or have an idea later that would need to be added to an earlier part of the story. Because of this sorting by creation date would probably make the notes even more jumbled than sorting by recency. What I would really love to see is the ability to manually sort notes and for them to stay in that order regardless of any of the current sorting options. Imagine how handy it would be to be able to click-drag a note to any position in a notebook and for it to stay there unless you feel the need to move it again. I dunno, just frustrated and throwing out ideas, I guess. As stated before, I don't use the forums. I had no idea this change was coming until it hit my evernote today with no warning at all. It just feels so moneyhungry to force this on free users without even offering a more reasonably priced upgrade to simply remove these restrictions. I'm not even asking that my other ideas for personal to be included with this basic pack - I just want the removal of the limits and slightly higher note size and upload limit for those that need those features more than I do. I really hope this gets rectified and a lower price tier is added. But until then its a saddened farewell to an app that's been my companion for over 7 years of my life...
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