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Barbara Ernst

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Posts posted by Barbara Ernst

  1. I figured one part out— went to settings, then account. There’s 2 accounts on my phone. One is a bunch of weird numbers and letters @privaterelay.appleid.com. Above the 2 accounts it says switch accounts. Which I did and then signed in to one with my email. So now I can access it thru my phone. But I’d like to get rid of the other account. have no idea what it is. And I don’t see how to delete it. Just wondering if the people who hacked in created that??

  2. That doesn’t work. I can sign in through my iPad but not the phone. I accidentally revoked its access. That link takes me to devices and gives me the option to also revoke the iPads access. Or I can pay to upgrade. Nothing else. 

    I can also see on the access history that on 3 occasions recently someone accessed my account from Brazil and UK. That’s what started this whole thing. I revoked access on the account that said IPhone and kept the one that had part of my name in it. But that was the wrong choice. 

    any other ideas? Thank you!! 

    seems there’s no chat available with a support PERSON on Evernote. I’ve tried a phone # but nothing there either. 

  3. I received an email from Evernote that said my account had been accessed by people in 2 different parts of Brazil.  when I checked I saw it had also been accessed by someone in the UK in the last month. I can not find a way to revoke their access, although I did change my password. but in the process I accidentally revoked access to my iPhone. . I am not seeing anywhere how I can re-instate my iPhone to access the Evernote app.

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