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WG IT Services

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  1. Hey Gazumped, Your poking may have helped, we recently had someone from Evernote reach out and provide a temporary fix. The temporary fix was Evernote manually triggering a reindexing for our business. After the reindexing, we were near-immediately able to search for all previously unsearchable old notes, no update or reinstall necessary. So unfortunately, if this affects us again or any other Evernote customer, it seems like it requires a manual fix from Evernote Support. Evernote Support said their developers will investigate the underlying bug and that they're available to trigger the reindexing again if it occurs before the bug is fixed. It's still just very odd to me I can't seem to find any record of this bug ever affecting anyone else, yet this is the second time it's happened to our organization on the most expensive Evernote plan (Teams, as opposed to Personal or Professional). Just documenting all this in the forums in the off-chance it ever helps someone else in the future. Thank you for your kind assistance!
  2. Thanks! We'll give it some time, hopefully the poking helps. Still doesn't seem we've had any response at all from support on our most recent ticket, #3909516. I think I may export all notebooks for users and re-import them as "new" ones if it comes to that. That way, all notes have been "recently modified," and therefore become searchable again. Though it wouldn't be a permanent fix since any note that goes 1 - 3 months without an edit will eventually stop appearing in the queries, at least until Evernote resolves whatever backend bug is occurring for us.
  3. Hm, that's definitely possible! Support didn't give many details, but back when this happened in March (ticket #385089), they said there were "backend changes made by developers," which ended up fixing the issue back then. The first ticket we submitted once we noticed the searching issues return in May was ticket #3897443. The most recent ticket we've submitted is ticket #3909516. If you could poke an employee we'd definitely appreciate it! We currently started the discussion on migrating to OneNote if we can't get the Evernote searching bug resolved. Thank you for taking the time to try helping us, it's much appreciated.
  4. Hey gazumped, Thank you for your reply! We are on Teams and have been trying to contact Evernote Support directly through our admin account, however, we don't seem to be getting any response from Evernote. This forum post is mostly just throwing a Hail Mary since it's been about a month without any word from the support channels available on Teams, but I'll continue trying on there as well. We do get automated responses saying they've received our request, but the last personalized / human response seems to be 20+ days old. Every user here has their own Teams account, so no central shared account other than the IT account, and we are able to reproduce the issue on all individual personal accounts (as well as the IT admin account). It's odd that this seems specific to our Teams account. This same issue affected us in March, though Evernote Support was able to make "backend changes" that resolved the issue. We'd appreciate any ideas, though I think you're right we will need to keep trying to contact Evernote Support through our Teams account and hope for a resolution eventually.
  5. Hi, we use Evernote Teams at our company and seem to be coming across a searching bug in the Evernote web app and Evernote desktop app. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this bug and knows of any possible solutions / workarounds. There are notes within our notebooks that definitely exist, but are not searchable unless they have been recently edited. I haven't been able to determine an exact amount of time that needs to pass before notes stop appearing in search results, but it's pretty much guaranteed that something last edited a month ago will not appear in the search results. You will have to locate it manually in the person's notebook. This occurs on the latest version of the Evernote desktop client. Attached is an example of a note that exists in a notebook, but cannot be searched for. It needs to be located manually, then if you edit it, it'll start appearing in search results.
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