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Posts posted by jmfromca

  1. I'm having a similar experience as @chromegerbil  It doesn't take an hour, but it can take 10-15 minutes, and it always happens at an inopportune time. Just happened again yesterday and is completely annoying and productivity destroying when it happens.  Even one time is too many.

    I've pretty much decided to go back to OneNote, which apparently we have license for again (we dropped it couple of years ago which is why I switched to Evernote in the first place).

    I totally understand the argument for automatic updates, and yet I am completely against them, as is my prerogative.  This is my personal preference, and my general philosophy is that nobody besides me (and our IT dept) should decide what software gets installed/updated on my machine and when.  There are plenty of other reasons/cases such as @Evernote Loyalist mentions why this doesn't work for certain people and situations.

    I am a software architect and I find it pretty arrogant of software companies to think they know better than I do how I want to operate my machine or my company's environment.  Sadly this attitude seems to be more and more pervasive these days, and not only in the software arena.


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  2. @PinkElephant, I don't know what I'm missing but I've never clicked to "accept" an update.  If I did, it was not very obvious and I've missed it at least 3 times.  I just launched Evernote and instead of letting me view my notes it started a (LONG) update, with me scrambling to take notes in Notepad++


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  3. I'm brand new to this forum.  I came here looking for a solution to disable the auto-update feature.

    I see it's a hot philosophical debate, and IMHO there are valid arguments on both sides, but at the end of the day I think it should be my decision as the user of the software when to update, nobody else's.

    My issue is that on several occasions I have launched Evernote at the start of a meeting, and then it gets hung up trying update so I can't take notes or review my prior notes - this is unacceptable to me.

    Hence, I want to update when I want to update, not when the software thinks it's a good idea.

    I saw a post or two above about modifying a couple of .json files to address this issue, but then other posts saying it didn't work.

    Can anyone confirm?

    I also saw something above where you could tell Evernote to update in the background and not disrupt your work - if this is possible I might be open to it, but it hasn't been my experience.

    Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.





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