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About hahrach

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  1. Thank you so much for your response. I guess I should have said texting 2fa...it's the addition of the extra step and downloading an app that is proving challenging for me. I hadn't seen the details above as to it being less hassle, less cost for them as well as purportedly more secure, which I can't speak to as I don't actually understand it well enough and in the end, it doesn't actually matter as this is what they are going ahead with. I will try Authy, thank you for confirming it was Twilio - that's super helpful.
  2. As I said, I don't know all the jargon all that well...I guess I should have clarified text 2fa? I have not had to add another app in order to facilitate accessing any other sites, whether its 2fa or otherwise. I don't know what a passkey is or a hardware key...as I would think would be pretty clear by my self describing as a luddite of sorts...I am aware that EN doesn't 'need' to explain why; however, they have offered to answer questions and/or provide help and do not have enough resources to do so in a timely manner, related to the impending deadline - they themselves have spoken to this. I'm not sure if your tone is intended to be condescending, but it sure comes across that way in your deciding 'that's all I need to know'....that's not for you to decide. No need to answer further, your take on this isn't helpful to me at the moment.
  3. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I have removed many more than the # of pics you suggest. That didn't make enough space for google authenticator. Are you speaking about Twilio Authy ? Perhaps that will work. Still wondering what exactly will happen if I am not able to do this? There are many more sites that store my information and are not requiring more than 2FA, so I am still unclear as to why Evernote is choosing this direction, especially since they do not seem to be available to answer questions.
  4. Hi, I am an almost complete luddite and use evernote personally. I don't have room on my phone to download another app and wonder what other options might be available to me and/or, what will happen if I don't do what is being asked...I have some really sweet memories included in evernote and don't want to lose this information. Thanks.
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