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About MarcUsaurelius

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  1. Evernote has placed a banner at the top of my (Evernote) home screen page advising of the discontinuation of SMS 2FA, however, no such warning or advisory appears on my account security settings page where options like 2FA are chosen or declined. This seems like a rather glaring oversight, and for many (including myself), this omission will lend the impression that the discontinuation of SMS 2FA is not genuine or at least not imminent, and therefore, need not be acted upon by the account holder. Also, Evernote staffer F. Simionato indicates that the popular 1Password app can be used, however, as a 1Password app user myself, I'm unaware of that app having 2FA code generator capability (being a password manager app, of course, the 1Password app can generate random passwords, but I've not seen a 2FA code generator facility in 1Password app. I'd like to use that, but how? Please explain, in detail. Also, EN expert user "Agsteele" advises (above) that any TOTP-compliant authenticator app will work fine for 2FA with EN, and to simply "choose the Google option" when reconfiguring your 2FA options in your EN account settings security page in order to use any TOTP-compliant 2FA authenticator app. If this is accurate and true, then EN really should post a clearly worded advisory on the EN user's account settings/security settings page, explaining that choosing "Google" is actually "an umbrella option," allowing them to use any TOTP-compliant authenticator app. Better still, why can't EN simply state outright on the user's security setting page that "any TOTP-compliant 3rd party authenticator app (Google; Microsoft; 1Password; etc.) can be used by choosing the appropriate option in security settings>2FA," if, in fact, that is the case? Pretty simple to communicate, really, yet EN is fumbling this one. Please comment and clarify, thanks! M.U.
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