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Voice In The Desert

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Posts posted by Voice In The Desert

  1. Hi agsteele,

    I'm not sure if a correclty understood your answer.
    First of all a premise:  'm traslating from Italian on my own the labels of the Android appto explain the issue.

    I will put my question on another form: currently on the Evernote Android app, if I click on the arrow beside the account name and email "section" a menu is show.
    The first voice is "Add a business account".

    Trying to add the second of my two Professional billing type accounts the app returns this error message:
    Access error
    The account is of the wrong type to access.
    Only business accounts can be added.

    So: to have all my accounts logged in the app I will have to bring all the accounts to the Busineess billing level?

    Anyway, I suppose I will follow your advice.
    Thank you


  2. Hi Evernote Team,

    I currently have at least 4 Evernote accounts, every one of them which is obviously linked to a specific email account.
    Lets call these email accounts account1, account 2, account3 and account4.
    If I will register an Evernote Business account with another Fifth account, will I be able to add all the previous 4 accounts on my Android app loggin in with the 5th account?

    Thank you

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