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Posts posted by pontus.olin

  1. I just happened to me as well! Just lost 2-3 hours of painstaking work! So upset right now. I generated a shareable link (not sure if that was the trigger) and suddenly all that was left of the note was a short garbled paragraph. All entries in Note History only contained variations of the garbled paragraph. Pages upon pages of created and layouted content gone.

    Like another user wrote, this is simply inexcusable. This time it was for a personal project, but I use Evernote for work! Which could have been disastrous. 

    I've been a paying Premium-member for 10-15 years but if Evernote can't be trusted anymore, I will have to look for alternatives ASAP. I have also been responsible for recommending Evernote to countless friends and colleagues over the years and would now feel obligated to warn them to stop using Evernote. :( 

    P.S. I work as a Solutions Architect in IT (E-Commerce specifically) so I'm no newbie when it comes to tech or software.

    /Really disappointed and frustrated.

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