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Posts posted by felixxia

  1. Hi everyone.

    I am using evernote to make visual notes. I stored a lot of computer screenshot in order to help me memorize a lot of things without typing too much text.

    But the system reminded me of the 200mb size limit, and i am not even done with my note taking. Far from it.

    I tried to copy paste my note into wordpad, but the images / screenshots are not copied there.

    What is the solution to this? I need to move my notes somewhere else, they are very important and i dont want to be limited to 200 mb. I cannot be limited, i mean.

    Should I export it as ENEX file and save it on one drive, open it with evernote everytime i need it? is this a possible solution?


  2. I am trying to duplicate a note, and modify it. The original note has become too large and i want to divide it into two. So i duplicated it and then i tried to delete the things i dont want.

    But in the new note, the images are not loading. A few months ago i found i cannot copy paste images to another note, that is wjy today i tried to duplicate and delete.


    Solution please?


  3. hi there.

    i am on windows 11.

    i used to make notes with either png or jpegs of screenshots.

    one day, the note has become large, so i want to separate some "chapters" into another notes.

    control c and control v the images from the old note to the new one.

    at first it looked fine, but later the images dont appear and there are rotating icon ( it looks like loading icons ) that keep on spinning forever.


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