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Posts posted by DegenerateJamesATX

  1. Mac Airbook
    Free Version

    Recently I have been working offline by my apartments pool on Evernote. The notes will be there, then all of a sudden BAM. They will disappear. Not in the trash, not on web version.

    The first time this happened I followed the instructions to restart Evernote (I deleted it and it kept saying notes were unsynced- which is ridiculous because I was connected to the internet at the time. Bring back manual sync button ffs). Anyways, I deleted it like the forum said and low and behold when I re-installed it my notes weren't there and I assumed they were lost forever. 

    Evernote was running faster though so I chalked it up to a fluke with the software. Fastforward a week later, AND IT HAPPENED AGAIN. 4-5 notes, disappeared, nowhere to be found. Should there not be a copy of these saved on my computer? Where can I find them? How are there so many instances of this happening

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