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(Archived) The Web Clipper & Chrome Chronicles - Now can't even install extention


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Evernote Web Clipper + Chrome  



  • OSX 10.8.5

  • Chrome Version 30.0.1599.69


  • Premium member for a few years now
  • Windows 7 @work, OSX @home, chrome sync between the two
  • Have had no issues with web clipper (W/C) @work, LOVE the new format
  • Tried using new web clipper @home
    1. Noticed Chrome slowing down
    2. Noticed that Evernote W/C extension wasn't working
    3. Restarted Chrome - W/C still not working
    4. Restarted computer - W/C still not working
    5. Started disabling extensions - W/C still not working
    6. Removed W/C from Chrome
    7. Tried to reinstall, Chrome installation crashes (10 + times)
    8. Disabled almost all plug-ins - W/C still not installing



Frustrated and very unhappy due to:

  • Wasting two hours, I desperately could have spent elsewhere, trying to solve an unsolvable (by me), very stupid, problem.

  • A potentially very impressive enhancement released into the wild with such piss poor testing (based upon my experience and assuming the validity of the complaints on the EN boards and the Chrome store reviews).

  • Disappointment in a product I've been a big evangelist for (have never "signed up" anyone directly, though I should probably start.)


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