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Add Navigation History to Back/Forward buttons

Brendan Murphy


To help with navigating back to a previous note, it would be helpful if you could add the navigation history to the back/forward buttons, so that when you click and hold the back/forward button, a list of the previous visited notes, notebooks, etc would display and allow you to select them to quickly navigate back.  Most browsers have a feature like this.  As an example, if I use the EN Web version, I can click the back button in the browser and see the the previous notes I've looked at, although it shows the url and not the note name, which isn't helpful.

If this type of functionality was added to the app and displayed the names of previous visited notes, notebooks, etc, this would be a huge help in navigation.  If I navigated back to a previous note in the history, then the forward button would work the same way to show the items I visited after that note. 



Edited by Brendan Murphy
Clarifying the request.
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