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Copying Notes with Multiple Tags to Different Notebooks

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We are a school that uses Evernote Premium.

Each child in our program has their own individual notebook. Each classroom has their own "Children's Documentation" notebook that serves as the default destination for all notes. 

Teachers take photos (using FESnap) and record observations as notes. They tag the notes with the child's name. 

Eventually, the tagged notes should get moved/copied (or "archived" if you will...) to the child's individual notebook. Eventually we can share the notebook with the family. 

The problem:

Some notes have multiple children tagged. 

What we're looking for:

A quick and easy way to send copies of notes tagged with multiple children to that particular child's individual notebook. Basically, if Jane, John, Larry, and Linda are all tagged in one note, I'd like to be able to click a button that will send a copy to each child's notebook. 

Does anyone currently have a method of doing this? I have basic knowledge of C++ if it's something I'd need to do through the SDK? 

Really appreciate any help or suggestions.


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  • Level 5*

I could do this on my Mac easily with AppleScript.

>>Each child in our program has their own individual notebook

Are you concerned about the 250 notebook limit?

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Oh I should have clarified that it's a business account. The children's notebooks are created as business notebooks so I think we can go up to 10,000? It's a good point you bring up though. 

I'd love to know how to do this with an AppleScript. I've never used it before but I can't think of a better time to learn. :)


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  • Level 5*
16 hours ago, ccruz13 said:

I'd love to know how to do this with an AppleScript. I've never used it before but I can't think of a better time to learn. :)

Here's the code I'm using to copy a template note and apply notebook, title & tags
You can see from this example, it only requires two statements to copy a note;
export and import

You will be working in the Script Editor app from your Applications/Utilities folder
You might want to start with something simpler, for example     Say "Hello World"
After you're done, you will be using Script Menu to launch the script.

In your code
- For the note being copied/moved
   it could be the note you select when triggering the script
   or the script could pass through all the pending notes and copy them
- My code has the destination notebook (Filing?) hardcoded.
   Your code would use the children tags


on Create_Note from templateTitle


    tell application "Evernote"


        -- Retrieve the template, export and import as a new note


        set theTemplate to find notes "inTitle:" & templateTitle

        set tempFile to "/Users/David/Desktop/Temp-Template.enex"

        export theTemplate to tempFile format ENEX with tags

        set newNotes to import tempFile to "Filing?" with tags


        --Update the new note        


        set {year:yyyy, month:mmm, day:d, weekday:dddd} to (current date)

        set dd to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d as text))

        set m to mmm as integer

        set mm to (text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & m as text))

        set newNote to item 1 of newNotes

        set noteTitle to templateTitle as string

        set noteTitle to (text 10 thru -1 of noteTitle) & " - " & yyyy & "/" & mm & "/" & dd

        set title of newNote to noteTitle

        set creation date of newNote to current date

        set modification date of newNote to current date

        unassign tag "!Templates" from newNote

        if templateTitle as string = "Template-Journal" then

            set noteTitle to noteTitle & " " & dddd as string

            set title of newNote to noteTitle

            assign tag "!Journal" to newNote

            assign tag "!Hot Notes" to newNote

        else if templateTitle as string = "Template-Blank-CopyTags" then

            set theSelection to the selection

            set theNote to item 1 of theSelection

            set copyTags to tags of theNote

            assign copyTags to newNote

        end if

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  • Level 5*
9 hours ago, DTLow said:

I could do this on my Mac easily with AppleScript.

If you really can write the script that @ccruz13 needs "easily", then maybe you'd like to provide the script for him/her.

IMO, its more complicated than that.  Without doing a detailed analysis, I'd guess it's more of a mid-level difficulty (say 5 on a scale of 1-10), depending on your experience/skill in writing AppleScript.

On 5/4/2016 at 1:14 PM, ccruz13 said:

I have basic knowledge of C++

That's great!  I don't think the C++ language will be of direct help here, but your general experience in programming is a big plus.  If you're using a Mac, an AppleScript (or JXA, which is JavaScript based) solution will be much easier than trying to develop a solution using the Evernote API.

@ccruz13, if you can write out the basic design using pseudo code, then maybe either @DTLow or I could help you with an AppleScript/JXA solution.

For more info on Mac scripting, see:
Mac Automation Scripting Guide -- AppleScript & JXA 

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