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(Archived) Edit no longer an option


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I'm using the HTC Droid Eris with Evernote mobile. Recently my option to edit notes went missing and was replaced with Append Note. All I can do is add text and wait to edit when I get back on my PC- it will not let me delete content that is already in a note. I've reinstalled the application with no results. I can't find a setting to change this option.

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The Android OS doesn't include a "rich text" editor capable of safely editing full Evernote rich notes.

As a result, we only support the ability to fully edit notes if they don't contain any advanced formatting, images, etc. If something contains this kind of rich text, we just offer the ability to append to the end.

So you should find that if you create a text note on the Droid, you can edit it again on the Droid as long as you don't make any rich changes somewhere else (e.g. one of our desktop clients).

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Writing a full HTML editor on Android would be a very large amount of work (i.e. much bigger than our existing client to date), so we're hoping to find a third party solution that we could use instead. So I'd say that we definitely hope to improve this, but it's not a small task either way.


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