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Changing Notes in Groups

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  • Level 5*
On February 13, 2016 at 10:48 AM, icantbelieveit said:

Premium user here trying to move multiple notes into the same notebook at once. There must be some way?

As per @gazumped - Heres the menu from my Mac, allowing changes to the 81 selected notes


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, guys. I think my problem is that I'm using Android & Chromebook, so I think it's the web interface or nothing. I don't seem to get any of this fancy stuff (TOC, etc.) The WI doesn't allow me to shift+click to select multiple notes. Also, Android doesn't have support for PDF searching, right? Can't wait for that to be rolled out. 

Also, maybe you gurus have some idea about how I could do what I'm trying to do. I want to build catalogs of searchable, taggable quotes from both Kindle files (got this one down) and PDFs (this is my problem). I currently highlight in kindle, go to "my notes & marks," then share each highlight to evernote w/ 1 click (works super great). My problem is that I can't find any similar way to do this with PDFs. I've tried converting PDFs to EPUB & MOBI w/ free web programs, no luck yet. I was thinking of trying paid Adobe DC, but it seems to have drastically inferior highlighting capabilities compared to Kindle. Any ideas? You guys rock!

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