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(Archived) INK?


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Would like to know if Android (considering its utilization now and future - as OS on so much more than just a phone) will be the first to receive the ink notes capabilities?

If not - is this a priority (ink in a mobile environment)?


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We don't currently support ink on Android, but would consider it in the future if Android devices started to emphasize this type of usage (e.g. by including a stylus, etc.).

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Any non-phone device slated (no pun) for ink?

Money isn't an issue - the size is... would love something smallish (the fujitsu u820 just takes wayyyyyyyyyyy too long to boot), that is quick on/off, and will allow for ink notes and editing of existing notes...

Thanx for the updata - one thing I like about EN - the answer may not be what you wanted/hoped for, but you get answers!

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  • 2 months later...

Here is a list of drawing apps.

I'm not sure what a "stylus" has to do with this functionality. I hope these apps prove my point.



http://developer.android.com/guide/deve ... patch.html

http://areacellphone.com/2010/01/downlo ... r-fingers/

Also, you can use the trackball to create sketches as shown by one of those apps.

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  • 5 months later...

@engberg: larger Android OS based devices make certainly easy for finger to be used as a "stylus". And even on the small ones one can make rough sketches. Hence, please add INK to you not-so-distant future capabilities.

Another question about INK: is it supported on Windows platforms? (I am using Win XP for tablets). thanks

- Jacek

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • Level 5*
Is there a roadmap or enhancements page where paying customers can vote on the enhancements they would like in the mobile ( and desktop ) clients?

There is not, nor is there one for non-paying customers.

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  • Level 5*

Maybe "double secret" premium??

The Evernote folks have pretty much resisted implementing voting schemes here; I believe that they feel that they have a pretty good handle on their user's feature wishes via this and other channels. There's some discussion of this elsewhere in the forum; you can probably find it by searching on "voting" or something like that.

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(edited as i was going off topic)

yep, with my developer hat on I understand the dangers of letting users vote on what they want, am now even thinking wouldn't it be great if all images in android evernote notes had intent context menus for third party applications to hook into to provide extension activities like rotate/crop/anotate etc, or going further if the application used extensible intents to build the home screen of activities so that third parties could add hook in activities like create inked notes

feature creep is an evil drug

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We do appreciate the feedback, and we are aware of the account level of people opening Support inquiries, so have some good sense about common Premium requests. (Which frequently relate to commerce issues, PDF OCR, etc.)

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I've not seen those specific links but am intimately familiar with the concept - have been a programmer for 14 years - death by a thousand cuts is itself a double edged sword balancing a thousand minor end user irritations with a thousand tiny change requests - in this case quick and dirty is a rotate menu option, hard and probably "better" is the idea i suggested about making evernote an android content provider and using intent/activity context menus to allow third parties to provide image editing and other functionality to be added onto the app - to do that is possibly a ground up change so I'd not expect it till v4 or v5 but its nice to dream when its not me that has to code it - i think such an extensible client is an inevitable evolution of the product to foster a third party ecosystem and reduce the inhouse development costs to just a core application framework. It would also mean internal development of features could be decoupled from a monolithic build


if the orientation of pictures was right ( see another wishlist thread on image rotation ) then the ocr / text recognition in Evernote "might" have an easier job - but point taken, everyone thinks their personal wishlist is the most important :- )

One final thought which i accept may not get an answer and i hope does not offend - have Evernote ever considered open sourcing the clients? There are some out here that might relish implementing some of our pet wishlists. I guess the question is where do you see Evernote's core intellectual property - is it in the client or is it in the server.

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  • Level 5*

I don't remember ever seeing Evernote folks evince much interest in open-sourcing their own code (and I certainly don't speak for them), but they have a published API, and welcome 3rd-party developers to code against it; see NeverNote (a Java client) and PeoplesNote (a WinCE xlient). Both are featured elsewhere in the forums. Developers should start here: http://www.evernote.com/about/developer/.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It doesn't look like eInk for Android is really in the works, but I would like to point out that as Swype takes root, dragging rather than typing becomes more and more natural.

I loved eInk on my window mobile device-- but miss it on both my android devices (Atrix and Nook).

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  • 5 months later...

I use FreeNote, which is on the Android Market. It's pretty good and allows handwriting, drawing and typing as well.

Then it's quite easy to "Share" into Evernote where the image is saved.

However, if this feature was baked into the client, I would be thrilled.

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