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Feature Request: Resupport bgcolor, which is a feature in your previous versions -.-


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Why can't evernote recognize and support bgcolor in the Evernote 5.9.x and beyond versions


For those who don't know, search about ENML editor, edit your note there and add bg color to note like this


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE en-note SYSTEM "http://xml.evernote.com/pub/enml2.dtd">
<en-note bgcolor="#98FB98" style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space;">


Then view said note in old Evernote versions (below 5.9.x , like 5.8.8 which is the one i am currently using)

you will see colored background (and the old checkbox + other stuff evernote had before the "evernote editor change")


Once you use 5.9.x versions (and evernote web) to view the notes the background is gone


I wish they could bring this back :(


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