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Audio recording with typed/drawn notes

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Specialised pen apps will do this - http://www.livescribe.com/ - I guess there might be a typed equivalent if you search hard,  but I can't see any way for any app to link the sound of the word 'horse' with the typed characters,  unless you can type exactly as fast as the audio records. 


The only way (I think) would be to record the meeting,  then allow the software to produce its own transcript at a later time.  Don't know if voice-to-text software is sufficiently advanced to be able to do that in a meeting,  though it can transcribe for one person.  I'd suggest you might want better playback controls in the meantime - if you get to a patch you need to look up,  pause the audio while you read the notes.  Again there are external apps that will do this now - provide speed and start/ stop controls on audio playback - and record. 


Something like Audacity http://web.audacityteam.org/ will play and record MP3 (and other) files which can be attached to notes.

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