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Print Font Size

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I ran into a simple problem when trying to print. I was unable to change the font size or style. I tried to change but it did not take. Nothing in the help function and no way to provide feedback to the developer. Find the product very valuable but.... need to get info.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Help (from fellow users) and feedback to Evernote are both here,  though you should be able to choose font type and size to change the note,  and then print out the new version - assuming the device you're printing from actually has the font you want to use installed on the system.


Can you explain a little more about exactly what you're trying to do,  and maybe attach a sample of the original note/ page you're printing?

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I have tried to modify the font style and size.to no avail. I open one of my notes and the style is Tahoma size 10. I attempt to change the size to 14 but when I print the size remains 10. I have also tried to click on format and change the size but it still remains size 10.when it prints.

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  • Level 5*

Screenshots might help narrow this down,  but I can only suggest that you try different methods to print your note - from the installed desktop version / the web client / to a printer direct / to a PDF file (which you can then print) - one or other of those should give you some flexibility with the font size...

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  • Level 5*

Hi again - this is a public forum,  and posts are open to anyone - so I'd recommend that unless these are test details,  you delete the attachment when you can.


Not sure whether the results you're getting are related to the text being in a table - have you tried increasing the size of the text outside the table layout?  Or copying it into another word processor and increasing the size,  then copying it back into the note?

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  • 3 months later...

I reported this bug to Evernote directly in Oct and they said they can reproduce it and will forward to dev team. 3 months later still no fix. I don't print often but when I do I would really like the option to just change the font size. 

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