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Optimizing display of Evernote on high resolution laptop

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I just bought an Asus laptop that has a screen resolution of 1920x1080. I have noticed that many programs (Quicken, Evernote) look a bit blurry and I found it suprising until reading a Microsoft discussion about the issue (see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2900023).The article notes that programs need to support high resolution DPI, and if not, then display scaling needs to be turned off.


So, my question is whether Evernote is aware of this issue and if they have an update that supports high resolution DPI.




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  • Level 5*



In the installed versions,  Mac users seem to have a fairly easy ride,  since the display size is handled by the OS.  In Windows,  the display is handled by the application software - which in this case would have to be rewritten from scratch to include HD displays.  Rewrites may be under way,  but nothing is known about release timescales.

It may also be possible to use Simplify or Remove Formatting to allow the existing display handler to resize standard text.

Evernote explanations - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/44722-feature-request-support-for-high-resolution-displays-in-windows-8/?p=349244

Interim Fix - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/44722-feature-request-support-for-high-resolution-displays-in-windows-8/?p=332203


One possible work-around - find Evernote.EXE and Right-click > Properties
There's a "Disable DPI Scaling" option on the Compatibility tab.

Not a perfect answer as it wastes a lot of screen space. But it may at least be usable.

EN 5.8.4 allegedly 'fixed' HD problems,  although (apparently) what's happened is that Evernote no longer lies to Windows to say it supports HD displays.  So Windows scales the display appropriately - which gives a fuzzy look to the screen.  A full HD fix really means rewriting substantial chunks of the code,  so it's a choice between fuzz,  or the workaround.

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  • Level 5*

I just bought an Asus laptop that has a screen resolution of 1920x1080. I have noticed that many programs (Quicken, Evernote) look a bit blurry and I found it suprising until reading a Microsoft discussion about the issue (see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2900023).The article notes that programs need to support high resolution DPI, and if not, then display scaling needs to be turned off.


Wow!  This is truly amazing.  What a terrible design MS Windows has provided.


It doesn't look like there are any really good fixes/workarounds.


You may want to submit a bug report, and/or make a complaint on Twitter.


Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue".


Since Evernote now is providing official support to all users via Twitter, you might post your issue on Twitter @evernotehelps.  It might also be good to include a link back to your post here.

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I just bought an Asus laptop that has a screen resolution of 1920x1080. I have noticed that many programs (Quicken, Evernote) look a bit blurry and I found it suprising until reading a Microsoft discussion about the issue (see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2900023).The article notes that programs need to support high resolution DPI, and if not, then display scaling needs to be turned off.


Wow!  This is truly amazing.  What a terrible design MS Windows has provided.


It doesn't look like there are any really good fixes/workarounds.


You may want to submit a bug report, and/or make a complaint on Twitter.


Submit a BUG report via an EN Support Ticket. In the Support Form, select "Report a bug", and start the Ticket Title with "BUG:  " to make it clear.  Reporting a bug should be available to all users, including Free Account owners.  Other Ticket types available to Free users are "Data Loss", "Crash", & "Sync Issue".


Since Evernote now is providing official support to all users via Twitter, you might post your issue on Twitter @evernotehelps.  It might also be good to include a link back to your post here.


Um.. I think there is a disconnect here.. the *VIDEO* driver is EXCLUSIVELY responsible for the display..


This is *NOT* a Windows API or DPI issue.. it's 100% a DRIVER problem.


*I* have 1920 x 1080 display but then I have Nvidia, and my display is absolutely PERFECT, no blurry, no problems whatsoever.. (not to mention what LED/LCD monitor you have, that could ALSO be part of the problem)


Applications are just that.. APPLICATIONS they do NOT write to video directly, and since Windows uses API and you have the problem and I do not, that means this is not widespread..


You should refrain from spreading gossip and rumor about such things as people will get the wrong idea.. WINDOWS is not to blame..


I am guessing you have Intel 4000 or 5000 HD drivers and therefore graphics card (which is most laptops).. I also suggest you do better research BEFORE buying your next laptop.


I suppose you bought it because of the price.. not good if you want quality.. and ASUS is the bottom of the barrel (don't care who you talk to) in laptops..


Sony, HP, Dell.. much better quality.. so you are result of simple and probably didn't know there are options for video.. lesson learned..


Get updated drivers from Intel for your graphics card (if available)..otherwise this is NOT an EVERNOTE or Windows problem... so you have to live with your choice of monitor, laptop and graphics card.

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  • Level 5*

Um.. I think there is a disconnect here.. the *VIDEO* driver is EXCLUSIVELY responsible for the display..


This is *NOT* a Windows API or DPI issue.. it's 100% a DRIVER problem.


. . .


Applications are just that.. APPLICATIONS they do NOT write to video directly, and since Windows uses API and you have the problem and I do not, that means this is not widespread..


You should refrain from spreading gossip and rumor about such things as people will get the wrong idea.. WINDOWS is not to blame..


Perhaps you might want to read the Microsoft KB article that clearly states that the application can be the cause of the "blurry text".

Windows is to blame for providing an API that put the responsibility on the app to make adjustments to handle the high-DPI displays.


Before you rush to judgement about others, you might want to do your homework.


REF:  Some desktop applications may appear blurred on high-DPI displays

In order to provide an optimal experience on high-DPI displays, desktop applications have to detect the DPI of the display that is being used and then scale their graphical elements, text, and screen layout appropriately.


Some applications do not implement this. Therefore, they may not look as sharp. Other applications may attempt to implement this, but may not implement it correctly, causing problems such as truncated text or incorrectly sized graphical elements.

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  • 1 year later...

I just implemented the 'workaround' and it works perfectly for me on my Dell Precision 1080x1920.  I don't understand the thing about ' it wastes a lot of screen space ' as it seems just dandy to me. oh well - maybe I need some angry pills like the other folks.     thanks, anyways! :)

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  • 2 years later...

If your laptops handles graphics through an Intel CPU, ie. Intel UHD, then right click on the Windows Desktop -> Intel Graphics Settings -> Display - > Maintain Aspect Ratio -> Check the box "Override Application Settings" -> click "Apply"

This also forced a true 1080x1920 resolution on my screen and did fix the blurry text issues I was encountering with Evernote. At this point, it is personal preference if you wish to keep this true resolution or return to something more viewable on a laptop sized screen. 

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