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ADD color and sticky desktop FEATURES!

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Most of these sorts of features that people request can be had in 3rd-party Evernote apps.

Here's a "sticky note" app that syncs from your (Windows) desktop to Evernote: Sticky Notes

I can vouch for the above link and the software itself. Been using it for over a year.

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And for Androids there's StickyText (for Evernote)

It's possible to have more than one active.


There is some issue with space between word.



"StickyText" displays a single note of Evernote on Widget.

Main Functions
- Displaying the text data in the specified note on a home screen.
- Synchronous automatically or manually.
- Display in the Evernote app by tapping the Widget.
- Two or more widgets can be placed.
- Customization of a design (change of a color, change of a transparency, etc)

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