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Feature Request - Option on formatting of merged notes

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I scan in all the tags and documentation for household items and other purchases. I scan them as JPG's because I scan them in a large group and don't want to have to separate the file.  Then I merge the relevant notes. I would like to be able to turn off the feature that includes the title for each merged note in grey in the note. These titles end up just being the date and time of the scan and have no value. This would be a huge help!



Also, it would be great to be able to set which order the notes are merged (e.g. top to bottom or so on). I can never remember which it is and my notes are out of order.

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  • Level 5*

In Windows, i you press the Ctrl key and click on the notes in the order you want and right click merge when you are done the resultant note should list the notes in that order.


Can't help you with the banner between notes...

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csihilling you are full of good tips today! I had been just resorting them (by reverse date or so on) but the clicking in order thing is easier, I will have to try and see if the same functionality works on my Mac.



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  • Level 5

Remove the separator

I remove the blue bar separator in about 1/4 of the notes I merge. 

For example, I will merge the Drudge Report headline and the corresponding article.


Keep the separator

I keep the blue bar between merged documents as a notification that there are other similar notes included.

For example, I will merge a screen capture confirmation of a payment and the emailed confirmation that arrives later in the day.

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