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Share how are you using Evernote Business with your team and organization

Mitko from Swipes

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A new series of Evernote webinars on maximizing workspaces is coming soon. Could you please share a few examples of how are you using Evernote Business with your team and organization?

Here is an example:

"I'm a real estate agent. In my agency we use Evernote Business to keep track of the properties we are managing and the checklist we go through before renting out a property. Each checklist is shared with all the agents but we add the name of the assigner in the title."

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You're being way too modest here @Mitko from Swipes  :)


* I'm going to point out that people can register for a number of  webinars, including one by the fine folk from Swipes on April 9 & 23. 


The reason I keep putting in a word for Swipes is that it is the only app that can do what hordes of people keep asking for in the forums:

  • The ability to sort a list of checkbox items in an Evernote note (drag and drop)
  • The ability to harvest and bring together any/ all checkbox items account-wide on one consolidated interface
  • The ability to fade a completed "Action Step" out and/ or delete it (via an easy swipe)

There's loads of other features such as tagging, scheduling lists, pulling lists directly in from Evernote into an existing action step list, etc. But the main thing is that they do EXACTLY what many people are asking for, yet seem to be overlooked as a full-on, complete solution for gathering disparate checkbox items scattered across one's Evernote account and getting them into an actionable workflow.


Before Swipes came along, the only option we had for filtering unfinished to-do items in our Evernote checklists was to use the search syntax, todo:false. Even so, currently in Evernote, one would still need to go into a note and scan a list to see which checkboxes spell unfinished business.


Swipes won gold at the Evernote Platform Awards in the latter half of last year. It seems that they are Evernote's official endorsement to a set of feature requests that have been voiced in numerous threads here in the forums. 


Swipes can be found on Android, iOS and the Web. That's just about a full house. 



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A couple of questions, MitKo...


  • If people were to register for the Swipes webinar, would that be geared only toward those who have Evernote Business accounts?... Or could a non-business user glean anything from the webinar?
  • Is there any cost involved in the registration?


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You should be comped!   :P


You should be comped more so than I Cal  :P


You've been around the forums a bit longer than I and put in quite a bit more than myself. The thing is that whether it's giving Swipes a fair appraisal, being an over eager WorkFlowy and Gingko Evangelist... or coming up with a few workarounds for workflows in Evernote, I have done an awful lot of tinkering and know a couple of 3rd-party apps inside and out. I'm not in the habit of recommending apps that are not worth their salt. Neither are a lot of people.


I just think the Swipes team are not outright pushing their own agenda here on the forums, which I respect... But they have a heck of a unique solution for many, not met by any other 3rd-party app or by Evernote itself. They deserve a little bit of noise, albeit from the peanut gallery  :)

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A couple of questions, MitKo...


  • If people were to register for the Swipes webinar, would that be geared only toward those who have Evernote Business accounts?... Or could a non-business user glean anything from the webinar?
  • Is there any cost involved in the registration?



- The webinars are mainly focused on Evernote Business users

- All webinars are free.


Even though the webinars are focused on Evernote Business, I'll really appreciate if you guts share any kind of EN usage related to organize your businesses.


Again, here's an example:


"I'm a real estate agent. In my agency we use Evernote Business to keep track of the properties we are managing and the checklist we go through before renting out a property. Each checklist is shared with all the agents but we add the name of the assigner in the title."

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