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System-wide Evernote View Only Mode

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I installed Evernote onto my iPad a while back. In order to prevent even the remote possibility of weird syncing changes, I only use the iPad as a note viewer. I never add/modify/delete from the iPad. To that effect, I think there should be a checkbox in the options of Evernote (Android/iOS/Windows/etc) that says, "View-only Mode". When this is turned on, notes are only downloaded from the Evernote servers, and no changes can be made from that installation without first unchecking "View-only Mode". (eg textboxes cannot be edited, no notes CRUD, tags, dates, everything).


This would give people who simultaneously use Evernote on a wide variety of devices (phone, tablet, windows machine, and mac machine in my case) some peace of mind.



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  • Level 5*

Here's a workaround in case Evernote don't get around to adding this: two accounts. Share notebooks from your main account with your slave account as read-only. Access your slave account from your other devices. View only!


And yes, awkward if you have a lot of notebooks, etc. It is a workaround.

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