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Surface Pro 3 Issues


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I just got a Surface Pro 3 and installed Evernote Touch. It automatically signed me using my Microsoft credentials (I don't have an Evernote account set up under my Microsoft credentials) and it won't allow me to log out and log in through my normal account. Any ideas?

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  • Level 5*

Sounds like you were signed up to a new account with your MS credentials which is now separate from any other account(s) you might have.  It's a free account - presumably - so no cost implications.  Do you have essential data in another account that you need to merge together?  Would it be feasible to  continue using your MS account and another account and share a notebook between the two so you can transfer notes back and forth if necessary?  If you want to move everything from another account into the MS account,  you could export notebooks from the old account to ENEX files and import them to the MS account...

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