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No "invite" button to share notebooks


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Hello all,


I am trying to share a notebook with a collegue.  I figured out how to get to the option and I have the window pop up to enter the person's email, the URL of the notebook, the personalized message, and if they can edit or view.  However, I simply do not see where to hit "Invite."  I have verified my email account.  I have done a Google search to find anyone with similar issues... to no avail.  I feel like I'm missing something very simple, but at the same time confused as to why the button just isn't *there.*  I tried scrolling down or changing the window size, and that did nothing.  Attached is a pic of what I saw (with private info changed/covered).


I'm running on Windows.  I have also tried the web version, and neither one allowed me to see an "invite" button.


Please help!


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